The Magic of Uplifting: rich internal flames


Days come, nights go, months pass, and years revolve yet, each and every one of us is still searching for that insight that should makes us complete both in the material and spiritual world. Some travel, some hustle and some even wrestle in the quest to attain and feel what truly and intrinsically belongs to our innate selves, but still, because of ignorance, laxity and impatience we always just miss the point. When this happens and we feel disappointed, we lay blames and curses against our true nature, life and incertitude. Are there really any uncertainties in life that one cannot handle? I wonder in several thoughts and languages. Is any human individual born to live in stress and attain only very limited achievements in life?

No! Every individual delivered onto the surface of earth with innate abilities as a human person, arrives with potentials to develop, manage and maintain in such a manner that is accepted as glorious and eternal both within the spiritual and material realms. How can we get to this authentically ordained human position? It only suffices to find the sort of inspirational happiness and hope in one’s life that is considered as living a life of uplifting in order to gain true spiritual and material prosperity.

This book highlights a cross sectional reflection upon an individual’s intrinsic perceptiveness of uplifting within Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu scriptural apprehensions. It addresses conflicting faith-based dimensions and brings in new light on the practical realities of individually uplifting lives based on the perceptiveness within intrinsic feelings. The only way for us to gain some magical or un-understood love, peace and material prosperity in our futures, is determined by our present attitudes or activities that generate those energies. So we all need to learn to sow the true seed to internal peace, love and prosperity. Here within are guidelines for inspiring happiness and hope.

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