MAHSRA’s participation at UN commission on population and development – CPD49

MAHSRA’s ceaseless efforts towards promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals is continuously gaining grounds through its Statements and representatives at UN submits and conferences in New York and Geneva.
Focuses on the UN Commission on Population and Development (CPD), after the 2015 48th session of the CPD with MAHSRA’s Statement on “the Integration of Migration Policies and the Human Well-being Orientation Framework to Foster Sustainable Development”, the 2016 session that took place at the UN head quarters in New York had the participation of MAHSRA’s New York Representative Ms. Pamela Mungo. The 49th session was held accordingly:
Bureau Members
Chairperson: Dr. Mwaba Patricia Kasese-Bota (Zambia) – African Group
Mr. Ebrahim Alikhani (Iran (Islamic Republic of)) (designate) – Asia-Pacific Group
Ms. Oana Rebedea (Romania) (designate) – Eastern-European Group
Ms. Patricia Chemor Ruiz (Mexico) – Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
Ms. Nadine Skale (Germany) – Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
Keynote Speakers, Bios and Addresses
Lisa Bersales – The demographic evidence base and indicators for the 2030 Agenda: a global overview, Monday, 11 April 2016.
Andrew Tatem – Integration of traditional and new data sources and technologies: from censuses to big data Tuesday, 12 April 2016.
John Ssekamatte, Vladimir Shkolnikov, Ann M. Starrs, Eduardo Clark – Panel discussion: Uses of the demographic evidence base for development policy and program planning and monitoring Moderator: Bill Miller Wednesday, 13 April 2016.
Introductory Statements
– Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations
– Mr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director UNFPA
– Mr. John Wilmoth, Director, Population Division / DESA
Agenda Items
- Election of officers
- Adoption of the agenda and other organizational matters
- Actions for the further implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development.
- General debate on national experience in population matters: “Strengthening the demographic evidence base for the post-2015 development agenda”.
- General debate on the contribution of population and development issues to the Economic and Social Council theme in 2016, on “Implementing the post-2015 development agenda: moving from commitments to results”.
- Programme implementation and future programme of work of the Secretariat in the field of population.
- Review of the functioning of the methods of work of the Commission.
- Provisional agenda for the fiftieth session of the Commission.
- Adoption of the report of the Commission on its forty-ninth session.
E/CN.9/2016/L.2 on Provisional agenda for the fiftieth session of the Commission on Population and Development.
E/CN.9/2016/L.4 on Special themes for the Commission on Population and Development in 2017 and 2018 (Advance Unedited Version)
Resolution 1: Future organization and methods of work of the Commission on Population and Development.
Resolution 2: Strengthening the demographic evidence base for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (incorporating the revision raised by Nigeria)
Country Statements delivered post-adoption by the delegations of the various countries and the Delegation from MINEPAT Cameroon.
Closing Statements by: Mr. Lenni Montiel, Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development (delivered on behalf of Mr. Wu Hongbo, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs)Mr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director UNFPA.
While we commit ourselves to keep our site viewers and readers on MAHSRA’s progress reports on its field efforts and action plans in supporting the resolutions of the UN Commission on Population and Development, MAHSRA’s CPD Statements can be downloaded below:
MAHSRA’s Statement for CPD48 download HERE or at UN Docs database
MAHSRA’s Statement for CPD49 download HERE or at UN Docs database[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]