As decades go by, countless philosophers, activists and other category of thinkers have sorted to understand diverse perspectives and approaches for achieving sustainable peace and growth mechanisms.
Within this diversity, many approach the problematic from ‘roots to cause effects’, and from investigative results on outcomes of post conflict situations towards renegotiating instances that would have prevented such devastating results.
The author presents new knowledge that eludes both approaches and dives directly to the ethical realities within human proclivity perspectives. He also maximises the opportunistic impacts of societal accountability and transparency in relation to some human socio-interactive and cultural inclination values, within which, moral and mutuality ethics become the most cherished societal medal for a unified mission of growth and peaceful solidarity.
In brief, here is a pragmatic methodology that uses and presents the notions of Accountability and Transparency to be the world’s most uniquely needed values for avoiding conflicts and achieving peace and development. With respect to other important peacebuilding ideals such as trust and mutuality, the applicability of this study, though limited scope and expectations, it appeals to professionals, academicians and global peace and development workers to throw more light towards its direction.
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