MAHSRA & MINSANTE Sign Framework-Convention


MAHSRA signs Framework Convention with the Ministry of Public Health (MINSANTE) for the Implementation of CHUDATS in Cameroon

Following consultative processes and working sessions held with some staff of the Bamenda Regional Hospital (BHR), from December 2021 to December 2022, the need to acquire a national authorisation for the implementation of the Community Health Unit Database Networking System (CHUDATS) was raised by the management of BHR.

Post at MINSANTE with CHUDATS team

Such need galvanised the efforts of the CHUDATS development team led by the CEO of MAHSRA towards projections and analyses on how the system can greatly support the National Development Strategy 2020 – 20230 (NDS30) especially with respect to public health and the social sector ministerial concerns. This involved presentations:

Through a series of meetings and several other exchanges on probable collaboration opportunities with various stake holding directors at the Ministry of Public Health in Yaoundé, a two-day workshop was approved by the MINSANTE with aim to read and validate the proposed framework convention for the implementation of the CHUDATS, held on the 2nd and 3rd of June 2023 at the meeting room of the National Observatory of Public Health in Yaounde.

View or Download the Framework-Convention

Later in November 2023, the Framework – Convention N°_0017_/CC/MINSANTE/MAHSRA of 03 NOV 2023 bearing on the collaboration between the Ministry of Public Health represented by the Minister of Public Health, Dr MANAOUDA Malachie, and Modern Advocacy Humanitarian Social and Rehabilitation Association represented by Dr Kelly NGYAH, was signed.

With a summarised action plan drafted for CHUDATS’ initial implementation phase within the North West Region of Cameroon, and with focus on partnership building and responsibility engagements of the regional and local authorities concerning the devolution of State powers in the domain of health and the management of health facilities, the authorisation No. E32-48/L/MINSANTE/SG/DCOOP/CPN/CEA1 was accorded.

Continues efforts are being deployed by the system development teams in upgrading the management software needs, and in exchanging collaborative working opinions, views and the positions of local and regional administrations towards CHUDATS’ full implementation within the North West Region.

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