Ngwane Rahel
Personal Information
Diligent Nursing professional with demonstrated success in emergency patient care. Agile and responsive to dynamic patient needs and environmental conditions. Team-oriented and reliable with expert healthcare knowledge, clear verbal and written communication skills and sound clinical judgment.
Education & Qualification
Catholic University of Central Africa - Yaoundé, CE, State Registered Nursing School - LIMBE ,
B.S Nursing, State Diploma of Registered Nursing.
Career Start
7 years as Nurse Volunteer | Regional Hospital - Bamenda, NW; 3 years as Maternity Nurse | District Hospital - Mamfe, SW; 2 years as Head Nurse | Training School For Nurses And Health Technicians - Yaoundé, CE.
Well experienced and expert in patient care delivery, care programme planning, decision making and surpervison.
Contact me
Compassionate and caring is my carrier orientation and innate gift. Feel free for I take very least worries with highly significant consideration.