MAHSRA’s Consultancy Services

Service Overview

Quality outputs depend on the choice and timeliness of the constructing advice. MAHSRA’s consultancy team provides you with the most cost and time effective guides for your ideological materialisation.

We offer a brought range of consultancy advice in both non-profit and profit making business sectors. Depending on the need in question, we cover areas of education and activism in Human Rights, Democracy and good governance, Gender related issues, social development, Humanitarian Assistance, Youths and Children, Peace building, Psychosocial counseling, as well as in project and business management.

Consultancy Service

Though we operate in a brought range of service advice provision, we are however specialised in these and more of the following advice schemes:

  1. Project and business planning and implementation feasibility analyses.
  2. Policy influence development approaches and multi-level advocacy operational plans.
  3. Research and data processing for development programs and objectives.
  4. Research, authorship, and editorials for journal publications.
  5. Grassroots community intervention programs planning and effective implementation strategies.

We are never limited by our presentations because we belong to an eternal community of learning and teaching, thus, we brave-up with new knowledge as necessary and possible and are always ready to share with others for the positive advancement and progress of humanity.

Do not hesitate to contact-us and let us and know how we can be of assistance to you. We live to serve and be the best in service to others, so we give in our most in order to attain our living purpose.

We seek to continue aiding the needy through nutrition, education and self-empowerment means.


We seek your support to build our collective hope and cause for more enlightened humanity.

Hope For Clients

We seek assistance to provide resources that should elevate human standards in developmental approaches.


Benefits of Service

MAHSRA is a duly registered and well established non-profit organisation, therefore making most of its activities exempted of formal taxes.

Once you follow all the guidelines given on the donation page, you are safe. We do our best to install, manage and update all online safety measures in order to keep our supporters trusting for we depend on them to reach our goals.

Yes ofcourse, we try as much as possible to be intouch with our supporters who desire so. Thus, before making your donation for any of the chosen projects, do well to contact us and have a conversation with any of the team members for specific clarifications over your support.

It is possible but that will depend on what sort of consulatancy service you require. It is always best to get intouch with us  contact us  first before any such calculations. We remain accountable to our organisation and its supporters, we must be advised incase in advance.


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