The Philanthropy and Humanitarian Action Project for Blessings

This Project is Developed to Inspire You and to Foster Global Efforts Towards Increased Philanthropic and Humanitarian Assistance Works for Wealth and Healthy Fate Returns
Watch The Videos: Humanity’s Eye On You Today : Philanthropy and Humanitarian Action Brings Blessings
Also Watch: The Karma and Fate Building Initiative For Better Health and Wealth
- The Secret to a Happy and Successful Life is in the Ability to Build One’s Innate Human Fellowship Will towards Other Humans.
- Give Bountiful and Sacred Hope to Vulnerable People and Watch Blessings or Karmic Returns Change Your Story to Glory
Full Project Campaign Link @ Humanity’s Eye on You Today Indiegogo
This is a very short, direct and objective initiative to assist you and me in the human family over the secrets behind individual uplifting in health, business, love and other social interactions.
This is no magic, but an objective and undeniable truth that fulfills the accomplishments behind hard work. What is the secret behind people’s enormous successes and accompanying happiness?
Everybody works but, while some see themselves blessed, some think their efforts put in are instead a curse. This is not true, through this very short and sensitive initiative; you will be given the opportunity to temper your hard work’s outcomes and ceaseless efforts with mercy, love and care to the less privileged and other suffering individuals.
This year fall programme to encourage humanitarian actions and individual philanthropy is an initiative of Modern Advocacy Humanitarian Social and Rehabilitation Association – MAHSRA.
In a quasi-continuity spirit to the 2013 fall initiative ‘You Are Not Alone’, MAHSRA as well, expresses gratitude to all those who supported, though a majority of the assistance did not result from online donations, in achieving the following:
- Out of the 13 health units, 03 Orphanage homes, 02 handicraft centers and 02 prisons that was planned for the companion visits, only 2 health units had been visited;
- Out of the over 900 victims that were planned to receive support from the initiative; only 24 did because of the limited resources gathered.
However, we are delighted to inform all the well-wishers and contributors that their efforts (moral and material) did influence much sensational warmth of joy on the beneficiaries’ faces – display of tears of gratitude. They jointly say to all of you who contributed, even in thought…. ‘May you be Blessed in Abundance for thinking of us’
Presently, we are moving beyond simple humanitarian action towards the intrinsic secrets in winning favor and immeasurable success and bounty joy for one’s life and businesses.
The whole process is guided through the circular laws of nature that reward a human person for encouraging the survival of the human race by supporting one another in unfortunate situations and conditions.
The Principles Involved
- Give love and nature will return you love. If it is through your business transactions such returned love will be demonstrated by increased interest in your business deals;
- Give concern and nature will return concern to you. If it is in social interactions, the right parties or persons to build your goals will get closer to you, share and extend your concerns in return;
- Give aid and nature will magnify and return both material and financial benefits to you. If it is in your businesses, because nature sees that your wealth is shared to benefit other unfortunate children of nature, she will increase you for abundance in her service;
- Provide positive moral support to the sons and daughters of nature to help them coexist as a family. If it is in your health and spiritual strength, nature will return you with both physical and spiritual protection and provide you with true leadership favors so as to amplify your reach to her children.
General Objective
- To teach and guide people on how a strong philanthropic and humanitarian assistance WILL and ACTION can be an asset to individual successes and happy life-time achievements.
Specific Directions
- To significantly increase individual investment outcomes in businesses, love, health and satisfactory well-being by the fall of 2015;
- To build hope and rejuvenate life and joy through visits to health centers, orphanage homes and handicrafts centers; and make donations of gifts to vulnerable, sick, and disabled persons by December 2014 fall and early January 2015;
- To build and grow nature’s favor and support for material, technical, financial, health and socially protective well-being for both new and old supporters to this humanitarian initiative by the fall of 2015;
The Need
Selecting 07 community health units, 02 Orphanage homes and 01 Disabled persons’ handicraft center, We are humbly requesting support grants and contributions for this initiative for:
- The payment of particularly sensitive and vulnerable small life-saving patient health bills, and the purchases of nutritional, laundry and other body-care materials to support the on-bed sick found within the health units by December 2014 fall and early January 2015;
- The purchase of nutritional and other service center management equipment such as beds, mattresses etc for the orphanage homes by December 2014 fall and early January 2015;
- The purchases of working tools, disabled person’s shoes and cycles for, and as well as the purchases the arts and craft-works works of disabled persons found within the centers by December 2014 fall and early January 2015;
- Engage the voluntary services of 03 specialized moralists and life-compassionate speakers to motivate, elevate and connect the spirit and positive warm thoughts of well-wishes and well-being of the vulnerable beneficiary targets to you, their distant humanitarian supporter;
- Build and initialize an online community network for you and other contributors for a global recognition and strengthened or improved humanitarian concerns against nature’s rewards;
Qualitative and Quantitative Measure of Contributions
Primarily, in order to reap nature’s reward, you need to create a bias free mind and act in such truthfulness that reflects the kind of ‘CARE’ you should show to yourself, thus presently, you aspire to extend such ‘CARE’ to other suffering and unfortunate persons. When this baseline is set, it is your WILL that therefore determines what nature’s returns will be to you and not necessarily the amount contributed. However, for the sake of accountability and in order to build mutual trust in support for human philanthropy and aid effectiveness, though we have instituted some unique perks on direct and specific requests, generally, the following guidelines apply:
- From 5 to 15 dollars: you contribute in getting: milk tins, washing soap, toilet tissues, etc to the hospitalized sick;
- From 20 to 30 dollars: you contribute in getting: bags or containers of food stuff, clothes and shoes, sheets, etc for orphans within the orphanage homes;
- From 50 to 100 dollars: you contribute in: paying medical bills (drugs) for an abandoned patient in a health unit, and purchasing handicraft raw materials for disabled persons;
- From 150 to 200 dollars: you contribute in getting: beds, mattresses in the orphanages and also assist in bills or drugs payments for abandoned patients in the health units;
- From 300 to 500 dollars: you contribute in: the online community network development process for the global recognition of pragmatic annual philanthropists and humanitarians.
- From 600 to 1000 dollars, you contribute in all processes and acquire access or rights to, request a sub-domain name or a customized web page, choose a handicraft work which is shipped to you and your specialized reverence mentioned in strategic activity phases.

Note: All contributions entered will be directed to one or more of the objectives on equal dimensions and also with respect to your contributing wishes. In the advent of more funding than the stated goal, more target beneficiaries will be reached within the same goal and objectives. No coin of yours will go unaccounted for. For any special requests or partnership ventures please feel free to Mail Us
As well, the CEO of MAHSRA, is donating his Latest e-publication book titled THE MAGIC OF UPLIFTING: Rich Internal Flames. The e-copies will be wired electronically to all those who purchase the perks and additionally, the hard copy accompanied with 2 other MAHSRA Publications will be shipped upon request to those who purchase perks above 300 dollars.
The Impact
We expect that all those who invest in this initiative, or as well, learn from it to do similar karmic investment endeavors in their respective communities, their outcomes by the fall of 2015 and long term impacts will include:
- For You the Investors: increased and significant business growth assessments, gained community love for your person and activities, improved health status and a satisfied turn-over of reasonable life-expectations;
- For the Benefiting Helpless Persons: increased respect for life and human mutuality, fostered well-wishes and prayers to the individual supporters, and increased hope and development potentials for resilience and self-reliance;
- For Humanity: increased understanding and fostered global efforts at the individual levels in philanthropy and humanitarian assistance for equality, mutuality, peace, brotherhood and sustainable self triggered progresses in health and wealth.
Risks & Challenge
In recognized partnership with several other local, national and international support organizations, since 2008, MAHSRA (in Consultative Status with ECOSOC-2013) has provided psychosocial support to several vulnerable persons; including the sick, orphans, aging, handicapped. Also, coupled with the fact that our executive body is made up of trained peace advocates including trained conflict managers, faith-based leaders, peacemakers, nurses, medical doctors, psychotherapists, journalists and law practitioners, we operate in dynamism to counteract every hurdle or risks that may challenge our objective plans.
In the case of this humanitarian endeavour, other than a limited supply of funds to carry-out all planned activities, we estimate very limited challenges because the universal forces of good and human well-being are with us and each and every one contributing.
Besides, in the case of the online networking and global human database platform building phase in the initiative, if we have only one or a few contributors, the platform will still be built based on the fact that MAHSRA has a team of web developers who will voluntarily supply their services, provided resources availability issues for such are made transparent to them.
Other Ways To Help This Initiative
Please you can make a difference to your well-being by investing in the well-being of others.
The world is founded on a circular principle of a give and take mechanism that compliment and contrast each other in order to maintain balance in a similar way as the day and the night. If you can’t rest at night, then you’ll not find the adequate force to work in the day.
As such, vulnerable and suffering people in critical conditions are like the ‘nights’ of your life’s struggles for a better well-being, rest in such nights by providing or investing in their well-being, then you will find the right and adequate force to overcome your life struggles and challenges.
While you do these humanitarian investment gestures, be rest assured that, God Almighty and all the positive karmic forces of nature are with you, granting you immense blessings. You become unnoticeably favoured and secured in your services to protect your own humankind.
It is understood that, though all may not have the cash to contribute, the power of the WILL is the most important factor, if so, you could as well share the link through the Indiegogo share tools, facebook and other social networks as many times as possible in order to build further awareness and influence.
Together, lets build a responsible human world wherein true gain is neither bought nor sold in the market but obtain through our innate human abilities to show concern and care for one another.
Full Campaign Link:

@ Humanity’s Eye on You Today Indiegogo
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