Organisational Set-up

The orgainsational set-up of MAHSRA composes of a supreme body addressed as the General Assembly (GA) responsible for overall decisions on the superior governance of the structure, one hand, and a the other, a technical supervisory committee in charge for the day to day running of the activities of the organisation.    

The authority of both the GA and the technical supervisory committee is felt across both the officially elected and other appointed members of the organisation, governed by Articles 11.3  of  MAHSRA’s Constitution and the modifications of 2012 bearing on the institution of the Executive/Officials in MAHSRA, detailed in the Basic Rules section.

The supreme body of MAHSRA’s is the General Assembly that is made up of all registered members worldwide. International programs are negotiated at a higher next level of which a board of home base and foreign members called the International Board Members sit to setup overall implementation objectives and targets for the National Control Unit.

When our particular programs are only within a single country, the national Control Unit in advisory collaboration with the technical Ad hoc committees oversees and delegates the programs implementation controls to the Primary Management Unit which institutes and directs the work policies and action plans of the locals in charge of handling the coordination of the strategized project objective activities.

The Auditors are independent bodies contracted upon by the International Board Members for annual audits of MAHSRA’s yearly activities.

The Regional Administration reflects  the local government’s periodic checks and balances of the organizational activities to assure the congruity between MAHSRA’s actual works and its registered objectives.

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