Articles 11.4 of MAHSRA’s constitution and the modifications of 2012 bearing on the institution of the executive/officials in MAHSRA stipulates that:
The responsibility of each MAHSRA official is as follows:-
- Be of good temperature, honest, with leadership qualities and having good knowledge of all areas of operation of MAHSRA;
- Keeps an up to date register of members;
- Represents MAHSRA in all acts of civil life;
- Maintains accounts of individual member contributions to the reserves of MAHSRA;
- Transmits in writing to the registration service, within 2 (two) months following the decision or approval of:
- Any change of official(s) especially the Chief Executive Officer of MAHSRA;
- The reports and accounts of the financial position of MAHSRA drawn up periodically;
- Convenes and chairman all General/Extra-Ordinary General Meetings and executive meetings;
- Must inform members regularly as concerns the management of MAHSRA’s activities as well as ensure the smooth functioning of the Organization;
- Approved all expenditures;
- Signs bank cheques;
- Casts a second vote in case of a tie of votes casts.
Managing Director (MD)
- In case of absence or inability to preside over any meeting duly convened by the chief Executive Officer, the Managing Director chairmans or presides over the said meeting;
- Assists the Chief Executive Officer on administrative matters.
Secretary General (SG)
- Is appointed by the Chief Executive Officer from among registered members, based on criteria of professional ethics on bureaucratic democracy and general management skills;
- Must have an excellent knowledge of all areas of operations of the Organization;
- Designs and admits projects / operations of MAHSRA;
- Keeps records of all acting and would be members of MAHSRA;
- Receives and scrutinize all official letters of the Organization;
- Acts as a general supervisor to all democratically elected officials of MAHSRA;
- The Secretary General is answerable only to the Chief Executive Officer and to a quorum of at least 2/3 of registered members.
Secretary (Sec)
- Maintains the minute’s book and attendance register of each meeting;
- Writes down the minutes of each meeting, read the previous minutes before each meeting for validation and or adoption;
- Distributes invitations and agenda for each meeting of MAHSRA.
Financial Secretary (FS)
- Receives and deposits financial resources in financial institutions agreed by the General Meeting;
- Prepares and keeps all financial records of MAHSRA;
- Hands over all documents of the Organization as may be required for various reasons as would be elaborated in the internal rules and regulations;
- Prepares the draft budget for approval by the General Meeting of members;
- Signs the bank cheques as well.
- The funds of MAHSRA shall be kept by an elected treasurer in a safe;
- The treasurer is responsible for the “Treasurer’s Fund”;
- All revenue and funds received by the Financial Secretary, on behalf of the Organization into the Treasurer’s Fund must be supported by a numbered Organizational cash receipt;
- Undertakes all payments duly approved by the Chief Executive Officer.
Technical Adviser
Advices the Executive/General Meeting of members on crucial matters affecting the organization.
Legal Adviser
- Ensures a legal procedural implementation of MAHSRA’s Actions;
- Advocates for the rights of registered members and the rights of existence to the best interest of MAHSRA’s Objectives and goals;
- Represents MAHSRA incase of litigations against third parties.
Communication Officer (CO)
- Seeks for and informs MAHSRA on global currents relating to MAHSRA’s Objectives;
- Negotiates and coordinates MAHSRA’s media objectives and goals;
- Relays MAHSRA’s projects and decisions to concerned third parties.